‘ Bring back memorabilia, hardly an infection’: MSDH offers summer vacation safety tips

The Mississippi State Department of Health is urging people who plan to travel overseas to be safe while doing it because airport go in and out of Mississippi is expected to reach a summertime great this year.
” If you’re traveling abroad this summer, the Mississippi State Department of Health wants you to bring back memorabilia, not an infection”, noted a discharge from the MSDH.
The MSDH provided the following advice to ensure safety when traveling abroad this summers:
Check your target. Visit Travelers ‘ Health | CDC to see the most recent travel information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before your trip. Give yourself lots of time to get ready before you travel.
Avoid malaria and insect bites. In some places, like Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia, midges can spread diseases like malaria, zika, dengue, chikungunya, and yellow disease. Ticks may also transfer some diseases, depending on the location.
Use insect repellents that have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) for use. Do n’t forget your children and babies.
In your hotel area, stay away from mosquitoes. Choose one with glass screens or air cooling.
If you’re sleeping outdoors or where window screens are not available, you might need to rest under mosquito netting depending on where you’re staying.
Stay away from woody and wooded areas to avoid ticks. When leaving a possible tick-infested area, assess your body for ticks and remove your clothing.
Ask your doctor about starting a medication to reduce disease before you depart if you are visiting a place where disease is frequently transmitted.
Getting vaccinated. Traveling to some foreign countries is advised or required, including those you may have previously received or more doses where certain diseases are spreading ( such as influenza in Europe and the Philippines or bacterial disease in Saudi Arabia ). These immunizations might remain suggested or required, as follows:
Hepatitis A
Influenza, measles, rubella
Meningococcal condition
Dengue disease
Yellow Fever ( required in certain countries )
Talk to your Doctor. Talk to your doctor before you travel about when and where you are going, what you are doing while traveling, how much you might be away, and any health issues you might have. Prepare and examine Traveler’s Health | CDC.
For more information, visit the Mississippi State Department of Health’s site below.
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