Chinese visitors who are stranded return household from Phu Quoc.

292 Chinese tourists have finally made it back home after becoming stranded on Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam due to a visit company’s default.
On February 10, the tourists arrived in Taipei without any lodging or travel after booking a four-day tour through the We Love Tour company.
The visitors were sent to Phu Quoc despite the Japanese wife’s failure to make the total payment by January 31 as agreed. Luckily, the neighborhood go company Winner Vietnam stepped in to help, offering cars, guides, and shelter.
Collaboration between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in HCMC and the Asian commerce officials was part of the effort to resolve the issue. Despite no receiving payment from the tour company, the concerned flight, Bamboo Airways, managed to return the visitors to Taiwan.
Social media users began to criticize We Love Tour, calling for strict action against the business and denouncing its withdrawal.
Authorities have vowed to punish any violations committed by Asian businesses and have asked Japanese businesses to pay their full debt by February 26.
The incident, which took place during the Lunar New Year, attracted attention from all over the world and served as a reminder of how crucial it is to manage tourism responsibly and protect tourists ‘ happiness. SOURCE: Stranded Japanese Tourists Return Home From Phu Quoc | eTurboNews |ETN