Greece Transitions to Legalized Same-Sex Union

Greece became the 26th German nation to do so in 2015 when it passed a law that made same-sex civil partnerships legitimate. Even though same-sex people are currently not allowed to adopt children, that policy gave them some rights and benefits.
Even though it has faced criticism from the influential Orthodox Church and lawmakers, the center-right authorities of Greece announced this week that it would present a proposed policy that would allow same-sex marriage.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the current prime minister of Greece, stated in a recent meeting that his administration’s goal is to legalize marriage equality. He did n’t give a precise time frame, but he did say that it would not take very long.
According to Mitsotakis, there wo n’t be any sexual orientation-based discrimination in marriage. He clarified that while substitute parenthood is not permitted by the law, same-sex people are still allowed to adopt children. He continued,” It is very unlikely that people will be turned into on-demand child-producing systems.”
The bill is anticipated to be opposed by some members of Mitsotakis ‘ liberal New Democracy party, which may cause divisions within the group. According to Mitsotakis, he wo n’t put pressure on these lawmakers to support the legislation and will instead work to win over bipartisan support. The main opposition group, Syriza, which is led by openly gay Stefanos Kasselakis, places a lot of value on this issue. Kassakis and his father, who were wed in October in New York, stated that they wanted to use infertility to have children.
Mitsotakis, who was re-elected next year, had made a major battle commitment to allow same-sex unions. Mitsotakis has implemented a number of changes since 2021, including lifting the ban on queer people donating bloodstream and outlawing procedures intended to restore children’s sex.
49 % of Greeks are opposed to the legalization of same-sex marriage, while 35 % are in favor of it, according to a recent survey by the national polling company.
The changes have been firmly opposed by the Orthodox Church of Greece, which has significant influence over politics and society. 11 million people, or 80 to 90 % of Greece’s people, identify as Greek Orthodox. The proposed changes, according to Mitsotakis, would categorize same-sex union rites as civil unions more than spiritual ceremonies held in temples. He expressed his knowing that the Church may be requested in specific ways.
A full of 20 European nations have recognized and carried out same-sex relationships as of January 2024. Greece Goes to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage SOURCE