Impaired travel blogger carried off Air Canada trip in’broken aisle seat ‘

Travel Disabled travel blogger carried off Air Canada-operated flight in’broken aisle chair ‘ Rebecca Rommen 2024-05-25T17 :05 :01Z Share iconAn curved arrow pointing right. Discuss Facebook IconThe text F. Twitter Email iconAn box. It indicates the ability to send an email. Email Twitter iconA stylized animal with an open jaws, blogging. Online LinkedIn image LinkedIn Link iconAn picture of a network connection. It symobilizes a url link link. Copy Link Save Article IconA download Save Read in game Angle down iconAn image in the shape of an perspective pointing down. A person in a chair with bag. monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images A Canadian travel blogger said she was carried off an Air Canada-operated flight in a “broken aisle chair. ” Tori Hunter, 26, uses an electrical scooter due to a neurological condition. ” It’s 2024, disabled people deserve a more dignified and safe way to fly,” she wrote on Instagram. Advertising A travel blogger has spoken out about scooter availability on aircraft after she was left “distraught” while being carried off of a helicopter. Tori Hunter, 26, posted a video of herself being carried down an airstair in a “broken aisle chair” that she said had” no armrests, straps that would n’t tighten enough to keep my body in, and front wheels that were busted off. ” Hunter, who uses an electric scooter due to a neurological condition called spinal muscular atrophy, had been on an Air Canada trip to Costa Rica when the tragedy occurred. ” The people that were sent to help me depart this planes likely had very little instruction on how to do so; they kept having to position the head down from not having the correct hand, and they were holding the chair fully sideways,” Hunter wrote on Instagram. Advertising” I was not informed that this would be how I would have to evacuate the aircraft, and it never crossed my mind given that this airports Will use jet bridges,” she added. ” It’s 2024, disabled people deserve a more dignified and safe way to fly. ” Business Insider has reached out to Hunter for opinion. Related reports According to a report by the US Department of Transportation, more than 51 % of the 33,631 complaints received by 180 ships in 2021″ concerned the companies ‘ failure to provide sufficient support to persons using wheelchairs. ” The department said it was “focused on improving air travel for persons with disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs. ” Advertisement In a statement to BBC News, Air Canada said that it had followed all the protocols for helping passengers with disabilities. ” However, as part of our accessibility plan, we will be reviewing airport procedures, including for smaller foreign stations, with the aim of working with local airport and other partners to find ways to provide more consistent service,” it added. Air Canada did not immediately reply to a request for comment from Business Insider, which was made outside regular working hours. Air travel can be a huge source of anxiety for wheelchair users. Advertisement Ryan Rae Harbuck, who has been paralyzed for nearly 27 years, wrote an essay for Business Insider in March describing what it’s like. ” Being a passenger on an airplane when you are a wheelchair user is giving up all reigns of mobility and independence,” Harbuck wrote. ” It’s like taking away your legs and expecting you not to say a word about it. ” Advertisement