Minister Bartlett: Tourism for Economic & Social Development


The World Travel Expo (WTE) in Miami, Florida, is taking place at the Miami Airport Convention Center from June 13 to 15, 2023.

What specific measures has Jamaica implemented to leverage tourism as a catalyst for economic and social development?

Tourism remains the number one driver of economic growth in Jamaica. Jamaica has implemented several measures to leverage tourism as a catalyst for economic and social development.


The Jamaican government has actively promoted tourism through various marketing campaigns to attract international visitors. This includes advertising campaigns, participation in various international trade fairs, engaging with new markets, and collaborating with travel agencies and airlines to promote Jamaica as the destination of choice.

Human Capital Development

It must be noted that tourism is a series of moving parts that must come together seamlessly to create the experience that we sell to the world and there are many individuals who help to create this visitor experience – the hotel workers, farmers, craft vendors, tour operators, red cap porters, contract carriage operators and attractions workers, just to name a few. The government has recognized the importance of a skilled workforce in the tourism industry. Measures have been implemented to provide training and certification for thousands of tourism workers and high school students through free programs offered by the Jamaica Centre of Tourism Innovation (JCTI) and its local and international partners.

Additionally, we have implemented the following strategies to leverage tourism as a driver for economic and social development by:

•             Providing a secure retirement income for our tourism workers through the game-changing Tourism Workers Pension Scheme (TWPS).

•             Facilitating valuable marketing opportunities for Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) through our annual Tourism Linkages Network (TLN) events, such as Christmas in July and Speed Networking, which provide a platform for hundreds of local producers and entrepreneurs to engage with the hospitality sector and corporate Jamaica.

•             Assisting tourism workers with adequate and affordable housing; including efforts through partnerships being forged with hotel investors, to build more than 2,500 homes for hotel workers.

•             Nurturing new and start-up enterprises within the tourism sector through the Tourism Innovation Incubator.

Building out capacity to ensure sustainability and resilience

Furthermore, Jamaica has made efforts to build out capacity to promote sustainable tourism practices and resilience. The government has implemented initiatives to protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and promote responsible tourism. This includes the establishment of marine parks and protected areas, as well as the promotion of eco-tourism and community-based tourism initiatives.

Additionally, the government has invested in improving the country’s infrastructure to support tourism. This includes expanding and upgrading airports, seaports, and roads to enhance connectivity and facilitate the movement of tourists.

Jamaica has fostered partnerships between the public and private sectors to drive tourism development. Collaboration with private investors and tourism stakeholders has been crucial in attracting investment, developing infrastructure, and implementing marketing strategies.

How does Jamaica balance the preservation of its cultural heritage with the demands of the tourism industry?

Jamaica is the go-to destination for vibrant cultural heritage. In fact, it is the preservation of our cultural heritage that drives the demand for our tourism.  We continue to make efforts to balance the preservation of our cultural traditions with the demands of the tourism industry by investing in our people, upgrading supporting infrastructure, developing new attractions, and promoting sustainable tourism practices that benefit our communities and protect our environment.

Cultural tourism initiatives: Jamaica has developed cultural tourism initiatives that showcase the country’s rich heritage and traditions. These initiatives aim to provide authentic cultural experiences for tourists while also preserving and promoting Jamaican culture. For example, visitors can participate in activities such as reggae music workshops, traditional dance performances, and culinary tours that highlight local cuisine.

Moreover,  Jamaica has taken steps to preserve its historical sites and landmarks, ensuring they remain accessible to both locals and tourists. Places like the Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Port Royal, and the Bob Marley Museum are protected and maintained to provide insights into Jamaica’s history and cultural significance. Preservation efforts help maintain a sense of national identity and enable tourists to learn about Jamaican heritage.

Importantly, we recognize the importance of sustainable tourism practices to minimize the negative impacts on cultural heritage. Efforts are made to promote responsible tourism, such as limiting visitor numbers in sensitive areas, implementing waste management systems, and encouraging respect for cultural practices and sites. This ensures that tourism development aligns with the goal of preserving Jamaica’s cultural heritage for future generations.

Additionally, we recognize the importance of involving local communities in tourism development and decision-making processes. By empowering local residents, we  give them a sense of responsibility in preserving our cultural heritage and benefiting from the economic opportunities provided by tourism. Community-based tourism initiatives have been established, where locals are involved in hosting visitors, showcasing their traditions, and offering unique cultural experiences.

Festivals like Reggae Sumfest, Maroon celebrations, and the Jamaica Carnival attract both domestic and international tourists. These events not only generate tourism revenue but also create opportunities to showcase Jamaican music, dance, art, and culinary traditions.

Can you share any success stories or best practices from Jamaica that demonstrate the positive impact of tourism on local communities?

Tourism serves as a catalyst for economic growth, job creation, infrastructure development, cultural preservation, poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, and cultural exchange in our local communities. 

Through our Tourism Linkages Network, we have been able to expand our reach to more Jamaicans in our local communities across a myriad of industries which supply and contribute positively to the growth of our sector. To this end, the Agri-Linkages Exchange (ALEX), which is a platform that connects small farmers directly with buyers in the tourism industry, has been a game-changer for the local agricultural community. During the first two months of the year, 490 farmers earned approximately $108 million in revenue via the ALEX platform. We have also sold produce worth over $330 million through the ALEX portal in 2022, benefiting 1,733 farmers like Fitzroy Mais, a strawberry farmer of in St Andrew,  and 671 buyers registered on the platform. This is a testament to the power of tourism and the importance of technological collaboration in driving growth and development.

There are several other best practices and success stories that demonstrate the positive impact of tourism on local communities that could be mentioned:

Our craft market vendors and local artisans: Craft markets are prevalent throughout Jamaica, offering a wide range of locally made crafts, artwork, and traditional products. These markets provide a platform for local artisans to showcase and sell their creations directly to tourists. By supporting local artisans, visitors contribute to the economic well-being of these communities and help preserve traditional craft skills and techniques. The Ocho Rios Craft Market and the Devon House Heritage Site are notable examples where local artisans thrive.

Community-based tourism in Treasure Beach: Treasure Beach, a coastal community in Jamaica, has embraced community-based tourism as a way to empower local residents and promote sustainable development. Through the Treasure Beach Women’s Group and the Treasure Beach Foundation, the community has established guesthouses, restaurants, and tour operations that are owned and operated by community members. This initiative has provided income opportunities for local women and families, improved infrastructure, and supported education and healthcare projects in the area.

Reggae music tourism: Jamaica’s vibrant music culture, especially reggae, has become a significant attraction for tourists. Various initiatives, such as music festivals, reggae tours, and visits to recording studios, enable tourists to experience the authentic music scene and learn about its cultural and historical significance. These activities create opportunities for local musicians, event organizers, and related businesses, contributing to economic growth, job creation, and the preservation of Jamaican music heritage.

These success stories highlight how tourism in Jamaica has positively impacted local communities by creating economic opportunities, preserving cultural heritage, empowering marginalized groups, and supporting sustainable development. By aligning tourism development with community engagement and empowerment, Jamaica has demonstrated that tourism can be a catalyst for inclusive growth and preservation of cultural identity.

Read more: Minister Bartlett: Tourism for Economic & Social Development

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