My Snaps of PEAKBOY with a Mexican Artist!

I recently made the mistake of going to a nightclub, which I have n’t been to in a while. When I first saw one of the WOOGA Squad people, which included Park Seo Joon, Park Hyung Sik, Choi Woo Shik, Peakboy, and V of BTS, it really got me. Anyways, what I liked most about this event was that the location was so private, that we danced to K-pop music in a cafe, and that I also made friends with other Korean enthusiasts. Everyone was enjoyable, positive, and chill. To allow us motor girls to hang out together, I wish there were more activities like this in Manila! sharing the photos that were sent to us from Airplay Manila’s VIP Party. We engaged in a trivia game where we were given the opportunity to pose with the host musicians and receive the correct answer every time! I simply saved and deleted all the pictures that are included in this article, bro, in order for it to be easier to remember this day in the futurehehe! With the help of the AIRPLAY CREW, which features North Korean artists HYESUNG, PEAKBOY, and DAUL: Posted on my Instagram account: To more!