Reduced profits in the third quarter 2023 as a result of changing travel patterns.

Reduced revenues as a result of altered travel patterns following the pandemic are Avinor’s major challenge. In comparison to previously, there are significantly fewer business travelers, and domestic travel among Norwegians has decreased. According to Abraham Foss, CEO of Avinor, the diminished duty-free quota, decreased traffic volume, inadequate airport tax adjustment, and reduced passenger revenue all pose challenges to the company’s business model. The Group’s running income at the end of 2023 will be NOK 11, 514 million, an increase from 2022. Compared to 2022, the running income increased by NOK493 million in 2023. We are seeing a total passenger increase of 9.6 % in 2023, despite lower traffic trends than previously anticipated at this time following the pandemic. Additionally, there has been a positive growth in commercial profits at airports, excluding duty-free, with an increase in the size of the shopping basket that is larger than in standard world. Na 304 million in revenue after taxes. is a little less strong than in 2022 ( NOK 427million ). Increased online economic expenses, which are impacted by market changes in hedging power prices, are the main cause of the decline. The actual income is Na 446 million if these effects are taken into account in both times. higher in 2023 as opposed to 2022. According to Aviner’s forecasts, traffic wo n’t return to pre-pandemic levels until 2027 or 2028. Rising costs, higher interest rates, war, common unrest, and uncertainty are all characteristics of the present period. Individuals become unable to travel as a result. In 2023, a total of 49 million people passed through Avinor’s flights, an increase of 9.6 % from 2022. Progress in passengers is fueled by an increase in global customers. Only 0.8 % more aircraft moved, which indicates a significantly higher weight component on completed flights. We observe a long-term trend indicating that more foreigners visit Norway as tourists, not the least of which is North Norway, where some new routes have been built over the course of the year. The development of intercontinental routes is also delayed. The cultural vision is not suited to the framework conditions. Aviation and aircraft “live of and for the passengers.” When customers and passengers are drastically reduced over a long period of time, it is serious. According to Abraham Foss, Avior’s revenues fluctuate in relation to the number of passengers, and the income portion of our procedure is the most difficult. A significant portion of Avinor’s cost base is devoted to maintaining safe and stable businesses across the nation. From 2022 to 2023, total operating revenue perpassengerin increased by 0.8 percent, while overall operating costs per passenger fell by 1.2 %. The main source of Avinor’s economic difficulties is revenue. Avinor has been running with increasing reliability for many years. As a result, when compared to the fees at the major terminals in our surrounding countries, the charge level that airlines encounter at Avinor is very competitive. Additionally, Avinor reduced costs by nearly NOK 1 billion both during and after the pandemic. However, when airlines in Norway experience an overall higher income level, it is because government taxes, such as CO2 taxes and passenger taxes on air travel, have significantly increased. The accounts become unbalanced due to decreased traffic, altered customer demographics, changes to the duty-free quota, and failure to adapt Avinor’s airport fees, which may cover the costs of using the national network of airports over a long period of time. The Group’s running margin increased in 2023, but Avinor is unable to adequately adapt its overall financial foundation to the socialmission and public policy challenges it faces. The government writes to Avior on November 16, 2023, stating that the Avinor model will be continued and strengthened, the airport structure will remain the same, and Aviner will ensure sustainable fiscal framework conditions. The Group’s statutoryequity requirement was set at 35.0 percent until 31 December 2024 at the Extraordinary General Meeting on December 18, 2023. The financing of a new airport in Bod was approved by the EFTA Surveillance Authority ( ESA ) in December 2023, allowing Avinor to start the planned construction work for the airport. In accordance with the contracts signed in March 2023, Avinor took over regions from the Norwegian Defence Estates Agency after receiving the endorsement. The construction of the new airports in Mo i Rana is progressing smoothly in 2027. Troms Airport has been in need of expansion for a while, and this spring we inaugurated an additional home terminal it. The new switch will be a significant addition to the ongoing expansion of international visitors to Troms and North Norway. Three more buildings have also been moved from the Remote Tower Center in Bod to rural control in 2023. There are now eleven buildings in full that are electronically controlled. http :// oslobors. No message610520