The tourism economy of Canada struggles as flames trend as” the whole nation is not on fire.”

OTTAWA- Numerous American tourism companies are finding it difficult to get insurance and persuade visitors that Canada is also open for business due to climate change and its deluges of extreme weather and wildfires. According to Beth Potter, chairman of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, bad weather has a strong impact on some holiday destinations. However, she says that the biggest challenge is that many foreign visitors see a headline about wildfires in one region of Canada and do n’t understand that the majority of the area is unaffected by them. Potterer claims she received information from tourism companies in southwest Ontario last summer about cancellations resulting from fires that were generally located more than 3,500 kilometers away in British Columbia. She adds that some businesses have been finding insurance to be more expensive, if they can also secure it, because the insurance business must consider the risks of severe weather. There is no “miracle” treatment, according to Tourism Minister Soraya Martnez-Ferrada, but industry and government must make for the worst because climate change is not a thing of the past. The Canadian Press’s second publication date was May 15, 2024.
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