Travel Advisor Success Story: Shana O’Mara, Pixie Travel

by Last updated: 8: 00 PM ET, Mon May 13, 2024Shana O’Mara ( Source: Shana O’Mara ) Travel Advisor Success Stories focus on veteran travel advisors and how they achieved success. Here’s a look at Shana O’Mara, proprietor of Pixie TravelHow did you find your launch as a traveling consultant? When I made the decision to go, I had been working on my own for a while. I was aware of my passion for self-employment but had n’t yet discovered it. A great friend, who later became my company partner, planted the seed by noting,’ You should do this for a living,’ after I helped organize flights and hotels and saved her money. A few months later, I decided to apply to an organization as an independent specialist. I did n’t get the interview, despite having an MBA and a great network. I jumped at the chance to launch my personal business from scratch. This was 2016 and I have n’t looked back! Over time, how did your organization develop? I give our social media presence a boost for our company. Working with a social media manager to ensure we had a regular product and communication, we worked with a social media manager from the beginning. Now, we have over 28, 000 followers across Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. This appearance, along with recommendations from our faithful friends, has helped to increase our business over the years. What qualities distinguish you from a powerful assistant? With a master’s degree in both coaching and business, I have a history in both. I adore the fact that I can apply my company acumen every day. More important, I’ve focused on surrounding myself with the best individuals. My ideal gift is my best friend and business companion. She has skills in areas I do n’t and vice versa. We rely on each other frequently. To balance out our team, we also make an effort to employ the best managers. What have been your biggest difficulties? Like most organizations, 2020 was an extraordinary problem. At the time that COVID hit, we had just had our$ 1 million income month, and over 90 percent of our business was Disneyland. Disneyland closed for over 16 times, so the effect was tremendous. We focused on reopening locations and were able to recover our business from the ground up with the help of my business partner and our incredible marketing director. What have you found to be your most notable achievement? In the last year, we earned Disney Earmarked reputation. In contrast, we are on our next year as an ALG Vacations Elite Diamond organization. Because we are a small, independent company with only 12 organizers, I adore these accomplishments. I’m always hoping that our main goal will always be to provide exceptional customer service to our friends, and that we will continue to do so. What advice would you give to officials just starting out in the field? Consider every coaching and go, travel, travel. Our company was able to survive in 2020 by traveling to new locations. We also concentrate on that, with a ‘ we know because we go’ thinking. We are constantly expanding and usually learning. For the latest travel news, upgrades and discounts, listen to the regular TravelPulse email. &# 13,
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