US International Visitor Arrivals Up 23.5%

According to the latest data released by the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO), total non-US resident international visitor volume to the United States of 6,990,896, increased 23.5% compared to August 2022 and reached 86% of the pre-COVID total visitor volume reported for August 2019, up from the prior month’s 84%.

International Arrivals to the United States

Overseas visitor volume to the United States of 3,340,574 increased +27.2% from August 2022.

August 2023 was the twenty-ninth consecutive month that total non-US resident international arrivals to the United States increased year-over-year (YOY).

Of the top 20 tourist generating countries to the United States, none reported a decrease in visitor volume from August 2022.

The largest number of international visitor arrivals was from Canada (2,201,077), Mexico (1,449,245), the United Kingdom (395,944), India (220,570), and Germany (199,662). Combined, these top 5 source markets accounted for 64% of total international arrivals.

International Departures from the United States

Total US citizen international visitor departures from the United States of 8,871,121 increased 17.2% compared to August 2022 and were 94% of total departures in pre-pandemic August 2019.

August 2023 was the twenty-ninth consecutive month that total U.S. citizen international visitor departures from the United States increased on a YOY basis.

August 2023 year-to-date (YTD) total US citizen international visitor departures from the United States totaled 66,142,261, a YOY increase of 26.8%. The YTD market share for North America (Mexico & Canada) was 49.7% and overseas was 50.3%.

Mexico recorded the largest outbound visitor volume of 2,896,502 (32.7% of total departures for August and 36.3% YTD). Canada recorded a YOY increase of 32.5%.

Combined YTD, Mexico (24,018,133) and the Caribbean (7,607,414) accounted for 47.8% of total US citizen international visitor departures, down 0.8% percentage points from July 2023.

Europe was the second largest market for outbound US visitors with 1,944,558 departures. This accounted for 21.9% of all departures in August and 20.6% YTD. Outbound visitation to Europe in August 2023 increased 19.1% compared to August 2022.

SOURCE: US International Visitor Arrivals Up 23.5%