US Travel Approves of New FAA Administrator

The U.S. Travel Association issued a statement today on the appointment of Michael Whitaker as the new administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Executive Vice President of Public Affairs and Policy at the U.S. Travel Association, Tori Emerson Barnes, said on the approval by of Mr. Whitaker by the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation:

“The committee’s strong bipartisan vote to advance Mike Whitaker as FAA administrator is proof positive that a decision is finally within reach for this critical position, which has remained vacant for more than 18 months.

“Given the breadth of his credentials, his deep support across aviation and travel industry groups, and the great needs to modernize our nation’s air system to meet traveler demand, U.S. Travel urges the Senate to act swiftly to affirm Mr. Whitaker’s nomination to lead the FAA.”

SOURCE: US Travel Approves of New FAA Administrator