Visitors of foreign visitors to the US increased 17.1 %.

The United States welcomed 5, 966,539 foreign visitors in October 2023, according to the most recent information from the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO ). Compared to October 2022, this was an increase of 17.1 %. Additionally, it accounted for 89.2 % of the pre-COVID visitor volume reported for the same month in 2019 as opposed to the 86.22 % reported in September.
The number of foreign tourists to the United States in October 2022 reached 2, 982, 006, a rise of + 21.4 %.
For the 31st consecutive quarter in October 2023, there was a U increase in the total number of international arrivals to the United States by non-US citizens.
The seventh consecutive month with more than 2 million foreign visitors was October 2023.
In October 2022, there was no decline in the number of customers in any of the top 20 nations that contribute to American commerce.
With 1, 652, 006 visitors, Canada had the highest number of foreign visitors. With 1, 332, 527 visitors, Mexico trailed strongly about. Germany and France each received 210, 719 and 176, 060 guests, while the United Kingdom received 412, 676 guests. These top 5 supply businesses collectively accounted for 63.4 % of all international visitors.
Deviations from the United States abroad
7, 525, 134 British citizens left the country in October 2023, an 11.3 % increase over the previous year, and 98.9 % of those departures from October 2019 prior to the pandemic.
The number of US citizens who were foreign visitors leaving the country experienced a steady 31-month run of year-over-year growth in October 2023.
The total number of US citizens leaving the country and traveling abroad in October 2023 was 81, 672, 286, representing an increase of 24.1 % year over year. North America, which includes Mexico and Canada, accounted for 49.8 % of the market share, while travel abroad made up 50.2 %.
With a full of 2, 856, 925 customers, Mexico saw the highest number of people leave the country in October, making up 38.0 % of all departures. Mexico’s inbound visitor level is 36.1 % of the overall as of this year. On the other hand, Canada saw an increase of 16.1 % year over year.
Mexico ( 29, 516, 303 ) and the Caribbean (8, 870, 521 ), accounting for 47 % of the total year-to-date figures, were the two countries with the highest number of international visitor departures for US citizens.
Europe saw a complete of 1, 627, 347 US absences in October, making it the second-largest place for US tourists traveling abroad. This was the cause of 21.6 % of all deviations in October and 21.4 percent overall time to time. In October 2023, there was a 15.4 % increase in outbound travel to Europe over the previous year. SOURCE: The number of foreign visitors arriving in the US increased 17.1 %.