Flying Thanksgiving in the United States: Really?

Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Atlas Air, Delta Air Lines, Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, and Air Canada are part of Airlines of America and have a message to passengers planning to travel over Thanksgiving in the United States.

If Airlines for America, an association major US airlines belong to is correct, Thanksgiving 2023 will be the busiest travel week ever in the United States.

2.7 million airline passengers are booked to fly every single day during that week. This is a 9% increase from an already record Thanksgiving 2022.

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, is predicted to be the busiest day of the holiday period, with a record-setting 3.2 million passengers.

Are airlines in the US Ready for Thanksgiving?

Will it be wishful thinking, or will it be a reality, when airlines say they are ready?

U.S. airlines have been working for months to prepare for the holiday travel season and are ready to welcome a record number of travelers. To prepare, airlines have been:

SOURCE: Flying Thanksgiving in the United States: Really?