More than 100 million travellers were welcomed to Saudi Arabia.

This achievement considerably exceeded the previous 2030 goal, establishing Saudi Arabia as a cutting-edge global tourism hub.
According to the most recent data, the Kingdom reached this breakthrough seven times before the original goal, according to the Ministry of Tourism. The Kingdom has then set a new ambitious goal of welcoming 150 million visitors by 2030, inspired by this achievement.
With domestic and international visitors spending more than 250 billion dinars in 2023, tourism has proven to be a major contributor to the world’s economy. This expenditure accounts for more than 4 % of GDP and 7 % of GDP from non-oil, demonstrating how crucial tourism is to diversifying Saudi Arabia’s economy.
” This news demonstrates the range of our change since the National Tourism Strategy was launched five years ago,” said H. E. Minister Ahmed Al Khateeb.
Tourism is a crucial component of the country’s economic change under Vision 2030, which will lead to the creation of jobs and income for the Kingdom.
For their shared devotion to a sustainable and successful tourism industry, we thank both WTTC and UN Tourism as valued companions in our endeavor.
” The development of different holiday destinations ensures that the hospitality ecosystem continues to operate in line with the regional tourism strategy. Our goals are to enhance the experience of visitors, expand the choices available to both local and foreign visitors, and increase the quality of guest accommodations and additional services offered. We are committed to adhering to the best foreign routines and activities. This method “helps shape a prosperous future for our hospitality industry, improving the quality of living, and strengthening the Kingdom’s place on the international tourism map,” said the Minister.
The overall number of tourists, both domestically and internationally, reached 106.2 million in 2023, a considerable subjective increase for the Kingdom’s tourism industry. This is a remarkable increase of 56 % in 2019 and a significant increase of 12 % in 2022. There are 27.4 million international travellers, which is a significant 56 % raise from 2019 and an impressive 65 % increase from 2022.
Tourism’s Potential Arrived Seven Years Quick in Saudi Arabia.
Through eTurboNews | eTN, Saudi Arabia welcomed over 100 million visitors.