On October 7, a new documentary revealed the amount of physical violence.

” Screams Before Silence”, which was recently screened at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem, aims to change the minds of those who doubt that sexual violence was part of the Oct. 7 attacksThe documentary Screams Before Silence is n’t for the weakhearted. The 56- minute- much movie, available on YouTube for completely, details several cases of physical violence on Oct. 7, using testimonies of survivors and initial responders, videos and photos taken by the attackers, and new footage of the destruction left in the wake of the attack. Sheryl Sandberg, a well-known and powerful high-tech professional who has made it her mission to increase awareness of the crimes committed by Hamas on October 7, including acts of physical violence, created the film. Numerous anti-Israel activists claim that there was physical violence on October 7, and yet feminist organizations like UN Women took months to recognize the incident. A video that raises awareness about violence and might even change people’s minds is truly important given that history. First lady Michal Herzog addressed the crowd immediately before the Jewish premiere of Cries Before Solitude at the President’s House in Jerusalem. In her remarks, she described the choice to view the movie as” an act of courage, one that matters deeply “.Nova festival survivor Michal Ohana ( L ) and first lady Michal Herzog meet at the Israeli premiere of” Screams Before Silence” at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem. The majority of the subjects of the acts that are the subject of this video are unable to speak, according to Herzog. ” They never talk that, along with their dignity, their lives were taken from them, also, in the most brutal way imaginable. But here, then, we hear them. We can learn them through the authentic voices of the survivors. The movie’s director, Anat Stalinsky, stated to The Media Line that Screams Before Silence was her most significant task of her life because of the extraordinary courage they have shown to emerge from the shadows of solitude. Making this film allowed me to see what kind of terrible that society may attain, and it also gave me hope that maybe we can prevent record from repeating itself. She said that “feminist groups ignoring the suffering of Hebrew women is probably the most terrible for several survivors to encounter.” The# MeToo movement recently made its case in support of women who were abused in the media. But, if you’re a Jew, your anguish is worth less. She says the film is# MeToo unless you’re a Jew because it will change people’s minds about whether or not there was any physical violence on October 7. ” People who watch the video will be exposed to the level of the horrors and how they had planned to use physical violence as a weapon on October 7,” she said. ” We explain things that many people did n’t see or know before. Ideally, this will allow them to understand the situation better and maybe even change their minds wholly “.According to Stalinsky, check previews with many demographic groups have shown “encouraging” benefits. This movie is n’t meant for a specific audience. I hope it will be seen widespread, in the Middle East and everyday. People must understand that Hamas is a terrorist organization, regardless of whether any government’s plans are acceptable. ” This movie is n’t meant for a specific audience”, she said. ” I hope it will be seen worldwide, in the Middle East and anywhere. No one needs to agree to the laws of any state, but the fact that Hamas is a despair business should be clear to all “.Michal Ohana, a survivor of the Nova rave massacre, told The Media Line that the film “perfectly reflects” her personal experience and those of other individuals. &# 13,
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Top Stories &# 13, Michal Ohana, in the film” Screams Before Silence”. The movie is difficult to watch, but it is powerful and shows unbelievable evil. I believe this film can inform people about the events of October 7. When the attacks happened, Ohana, who lives in Portugal and was visiting family in Israel, said,” the world needs to see it.” She cited the testimony of three captive Hamas girls. ” After such a testimony, no one can insinuate it did n’t happen”, she said. Ohana believes that Screams Before Silence can influence those whose anti-Israel stance results from being uneducated or falling prey to Hamas propaganda. These are the most extremist and likely support terrorism, she said, but the most radicalized people wo n’t change their minds about this film. The dismissal of Jewish victims is nothing new, in Ohana’s opinion. ” As Jews, we’ve faced antisemitism for generations, and sadly, this hatred persists even today”, she said. The world ignores what happens to us, regardless of what we endure. However, that’s precisely why we stand firm and refuse to be silenced until the truth is acknowledged”.