Researchers State Turkey’s Drone Industry Will Gain More Role in Search for Raisi Crash Site, citing reports from experts.

According to experts, the Greek aircraft industry will grow after states that one of its drones helped find the page where Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s aircraft crashed. The aircraft is made by a business owned by the Greek government’s son-in-law. The Bayraktar Akinci aircraft from Baykar, a business owned by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s son- in- rules, carried out the goal. According to Baykar’s website, the aircraft can get as large as 40, 000 feet, stay in the air for 24 hours, have both atmosphere- to- heat and collision avoidance radars, and use synthetic intelligence for its electronics system. Tolga Özbek, an aviation expert in Turkey, told The Media Line that the Bayraktar Akinci drone has two powerful engines, can go fast, and has a sophisticated camera that detects temperatures. This camera enables the drone to spot hot spots that might indicate a crash site. These features make the drone especially useful in difficult-to-access areas like mountainous terrain covered in heavy fog, where Raisi’s helicopter was discovered. ” Very few drones can fly ]at ] this very high altitude, can stay there]for ] a very long time, and can carry sophisticated cameras”, Özbek said. While Baykar asserts that its drone can also be used for air-to-ground and air-to-air attack missions, Zbek claimed that the Raisi crash site mission demonstrated other uses for the drone beyond military operations. According to Bezbek, one of the Bayraktar Akinci drones would cost around$ 50 million. Iran was given coordinates after Baykar’s drone detected heat, which suggested it had located the helicopter wreckage, according to a report released on Monday from the Turkish state-run news agency. ” Turkish UAV Akinci located crashed helicopter carrying Iranian President”, created in Ankara, Turkiye on May 20, 2024. ( Yasin Demirci/Anadolu via Getty Images ) However, on Wednesday, Iran refuted this report, saying that it was not the Turkish drone that found the crash site but its drones that helped identify where the wreckage was located. Turkey’s membership in NATO gives it a competitive advantage over Iran’s drones, according to Ryan Bohl, a Middle East analyst for the risk intelligence firm RANE. Bohl said that elements, such as radar detection, on Turkish drones sourced from Western countries, would make them more capable than Iranian drones in search and rescue operations. In comparison, Bohl said, Tehran would have difficulties obtaining parts to manufacture advanced drones, partly due to US sanctions. In addition, countries such as China would be reluctant to provide technology for Iranian drones, which could, consequently, become involved in Iranian attacks, like its previous airstrikes on Israel. Being a member of NATO has given Turkey access to these technologies for decades that have allowed them to keep up with the development of drones. Turkey has benefited from having access to these technologies for decades because of NATO’s involvement in keeping up with the development of drones, Bohl said. He added that the Bayraktar Akinci drone’s use revived interest in Turkey’s declining drone industry, which was reflected in their use in the conflict in Ukraine. &# 13,
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Bohl, the author of Top Stories &# 13, claimed that Turkey could assist a US rival without alienating Washington. This mission” serves to serve Turkish interests without putting it at risk.” So, he said,” It’s really a great example of Turkey’s middle-class position and how their government is directing its policies and military strategies around that”,” he said. Turkey and Iran, both of which have conflicting interests, have cooperated on international issues like supporting opposing sides in Syria. In January, Erdoğan and Raisi met to discuss the war in Gaza. The Turkish president stated following the meeting that he and his counterpart felt the need to stop the tensions from escalating. According to the Turkish state-run news agency, Selçuk Bayraktar, the head of Baykar, said that the Bayraktar Akinci drone went into terrain that an aircraft in normal circumstances would not have been able to do. Turkey’s recent use of drones by Timothy Ash, an economist with a focus on Turkey and a strategist at BlueBay Asset Management, presented a fantastic marketing opportunity to The Media Line. ” The Turks have demonstrated the best capability. In a message to The Media Line, Ash wrote,” Imagine flying a hundred or so meters off the ground in terrible weather and strong winds.”