Secretary of Transportation on Baltimore crossing decline, Boeing and heat go

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg spoke with Ed O’Keeefe on Face the Nation on Sunday, claiming that as officers looked at rebuilding work, it was unclear how well the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was doing after it fell days back when it was hit by a goods ship. ” A lot goes into how that reconstruction will remain designed, how the procedure is going to work”, Buttigieg said. He noted that the initial construction of the bridge itself took five years, but he did n’t have an estimate for the reconstruction timeline. First, Buttigieg said it is still unknown how long that process will take, but the work is still” under way.”” Right now we do n’t fully know everything we need to know about the condition of the portions of the bridge that did n’t collapse.” He noted the procedure for properly dismantling what remains of the gate as being “very complex approach.” According to Buttigieg, “it has to be done because that is the only method to get into the majority of the Port of Baltimore,” highlighting its significance for both Maryland and the nation’s supply stores. Then there’s the process of rebuilding the gate, which is expected to take more. After the federal government approved$ 60 million in disaster relief money, Buttigieg noted that work is already being done it. Following this are anticipated more emergency funds. Although” this is not going to happen overnight, we’re going to enable Maryland do it as fast as they can,” Buttigieg said. The presidency is anticipated to ask Congress for approval for additional funding to rebuild the gate. President Biden stated last week that he expects Congress to support the project and that the federal government should be responsible for all of the costs associated with the tower’s restoration. But they may encounter opposition from some Democrats. According to Buttigieg, the trick to lawmakers is to say “your city could be future.” ” This has, historically, been bipartisan”, he said, noting support for gate rebuilding resources in a 2007 decline along with assistance for the Bipartisan Infrastructure deal in 2021. ” If there’s anything left in this region that is more republican than system, it should be disaster response. This is both, and I hope that Congress will be ready to do so if and when we ask them.” In the meeting, O’Keefe and Buttigieg spoke with Ed O’Keefe about the current problems with air travel and the management changes that occurred last week at Boeing.
Whoever assumes these new leadership opportunities and everyone else at Boeing, particularly those senior officials who are responsible for the helicopters that Boeing produces and the job that that business does, must demonstrate that they put safety first.
Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of TransportationO’Keefe even asked Sec. Buttigieg if he plans to run for leader once more in the future.
” Watching President Biden deal with so many problems, challenges, and options for this region is definitely challenging for me,” I say,” and I definitely have a fresh perspective on how challenging that job is.” I’m not sure if I’ll work for any kind of elected office again, but what I do know is that I’ve been asked to take on a great career. I’m proud and humble to do it. It’s tough, it’s gratifying, and it’s taken about 110 % of what I have to offer right now.
Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation