Eastern National Eucharistic Procession to journey across Diocese of Columbus in Ohio

CV NEWS FEED // The Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, has announced that one of the four National Eucharistic Processions will go through the bishop on its way to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. In preparing for the National Eucharistic Congress in July, four Sacramental festivities will depart from different places around the U. S. and intersect in Indianapolis. The southeast way, named after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and beginning in New Haven, Connecticut, may travel across Ohio and generate eight starts in the Diocese of Columbus. The Catholic Times reported that the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton way begins on May 17, but that the procession did not provide the Diocese of Columbus until June 24. At each stop along the route in the Diocese, various options will be available to travelers, including Mass, Sacramental joy, picnic meals, and a vocations good. Bishop Earl Fernandes of Columbus, is scheduled to observe five People, three of which will be bilingual in English and Spanish. The various routes begin from the other edges of the state, including the Marian Route from northern Minnesota, the St. Juan Diego Route from west Texas, and the Junipero Serra Route from San Francisco. The Catholic Times added that little parties called Perpetual Pilgrims may walk the entire road, traveling 10 to 15 miles per day. Another Catholics are invited to move with Eucharistic parades for as long as they want. The festivities ’ target, the five-day-long National Eucharistic Congress, may have dozens of speakers, Masses, Liturgical joy, Catholic suppliers and expresses, and more.