Exploring Baltimore’s culinary offerings by taking a drive to taste Maryland’s famous crabs.

Hi to all my fellow Gen Xers! Do you recall the renowned installment of The Cosby Show when Vanessa ventured to Baltimore to take in The Wretched? My latest journey to Baltimore was not to catch a show, but to taste the finest Maryland crabs. Come with me on an adventure filled with mist-covered roads, unexplored revelations, and of course, the scrumptious flavor of crabs….the voyage of a lifetime. The trip began at 9 am in Philadelphia, with a journey of around two hours down I-95 South. I was hoping for a beautiful drive, however thick fog had different ideas. Despite everything, the trip was full of interesting conversations, amusement, and stops for rest. What is the reason behind our habit of consuming coffee and water before we depart on a journey?