The Seychelles has entered the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), becoming a part of the network of countries that are committed to promoting tourism in line with sustainability standards.

Seychelles has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) in a noteworthy effort to support sustainability within its tourism sector. A group of organizations and people who share the same belief of encouraging sustainable tourism globally has created an association known as the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). By joining this network, Seychelles is showing that it is devoted to studying the knowledge of other countries and passing along its environment-friendly methods, promoting a more sustainable touristic future for all. Harris said it provides important links to resources, education, and collaboration.

Mrs. Harris pointed out that GSTC membership gives critical connections to educational materials, education, and cooperation. Sherin Francis, the Principal Secretary for Tourism, declared that Seychelles’ participation in this is not just a simple membership, but rather an expression of their unwavering determination to remain committed to environmentally friendly tourism. This is further reinforced by the initiation of the Sustainable Seychelles brand, which helps with their sustainability initiatives. We are delighted to be associated with an international community of people who share the same values and wish for the growth of a more just and responsible tourism industry. We hope to gain an understanding of the progress other countries have made as well as teaching to people how they can effect alterations that have a positive effect in their vicinity, all for the sake of a more eco-friendly tomorrow. “

The Seychelles Sustainable Tourist Label (SSTL) has been in place for a decade to endorse and validate more effective and sustainable activities related to tourism.