Hawaii’s Big Island offers Insight from three of its three national parks. Into the Story of the Island

The Big Island of Hawaii’s National Parks, in addition to Volcanoes National Park, frequently emphasize the island’s record while also highlighting nature. In Hawaii, I recently took a trip to three of these national parks and statues. Table of Contents Toggle1. On our first full day on the beach, we accidentally stumbled upon Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park. We discovered it after in the day, about the time they were closing. We returned the following day to explore the site besides the Visitor Center and the short paved path that surrounds it because we did n’t have much time to spend there. The garden highlights the ingenuity of the flimsy Hawaiian people who lived near the ocean’s lava-filled area. The current state of Hawaii continues to strive to maintain a method of working and living in harmony with its surroundings. They employed traditional fishing techniques, such as building fishponds, and having the knowledge of where the prized new waters is located that moves into the pools throughout the park. And after they had harvested fish and other supplies from the water and the ponds, they exchanged their surplus for items like cassava, fruit, and mulberry with extended families in the uplands. During our next, long, visit, we took the km- lengthy trail through the park. We walked past two bass ponds built over 600 years before, out to the Aiopio fish bait water, an unnatural wall along the beach, and eventually, to Honokōhau Beach. We spent the majority of our time at this unspoiled shore, where I first encountered a green sea turtle while swimming along the volcanic sea. 2. More tales of old Hawaiians were presented in Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park. Defined by the Great Wall, Pā Puʻuhonua, a large L- shapedrock walls and the sea, Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau is still an essential Hawaiian royal site. Another royal structures include the Hale o Keawe, a conventional hale poki or sanctified house, and the Ancient Heiau Lealea Heiau. The site’s largest structure, the one that gave the place its most religious impact, is Hale o Keawe, which is located there. In old times, citizens used it as a royal tomb, where they kept the remnants of 23 deified great leaders or aliʻi. The powerful mana ( divine power ) of these bones heightened the spiritual power of the place, protected by Lono, the God of life. A Sanctuary Pu’uhonua o Honaunau was a shelter because of its enormous moral power, even those who violated the spiritual law that old Hawaiians used to govern. Kapu, the old law, controlled fishing, farming, and planting, while also enforcing the social purchase. Breaking mole severely impairs social security, and frequently the punishment is death. Any criminal who had violated the Puuhonua was, nevertheless, seek shelter and pardon within its walls. They would have to create it that, though, which meant running while being chased generally from far away, but if they succeeded, they were forgiven and free to return to their lives. In addition to offering forgiveness for breaking kapu, Pu’uhonua provided refuge and safety to families ( even enemies ) during times of war. After the war ended, no matter who won, people was free to return to their home uninjured. The larger Maori culture is the source of the shelter concept in Hawaii. A ruling chief of a kingdom could declare certain lands or heiau ( sacred structures ) as puʻuhonua ( place of refuge ), and as long as they kept power, these designations would remain in force. A Modern Place to Discover Ancient HistoryMany pu’uhonuas were present in historical Hawaii, but Pu’uhonua o Hnaunau is the largest and best-preserved. Visitors demand that guests show appreciation for the location. Although the divine church, Hale o Keawe we see now, is not the original, and the bones of the old chiefs were removed, local Hawaiians also believe that the cdr of the spot remains, and often leave offerings around. A group of neighborhood high school students were taking a field trip to the area to learn about the place’s record when we arrived. I noticed their professor was telling them the reports in Hawaiian, hardly in English. Watching them, I noticed all the boys listening, asking questions, total be interested. I think having them learn their unique record in their native tongue has a greater effect. 3. A huge temple built by King Kamehameha I on top of a valley overlooking the ocean at Pu’ukohola Heiau National Historic Site was another place where we learned about Hawaiian history. These, I learned the history of the integration of a country, the beginning of the Hawaiian Kingdom, in the late 1700s, an incredible story of two great warrior chiefs – Kamehameha and his first aunt, Keoua Ku’ahu’ula. High above the coast, on top of a hill, the temple Pu’ukohola Heiau is the last major heiau on the Hawaiian islands. It was King Kamehameha I’s plan and dedication, which saw the start of the Hawaiian Islands ‘ complete union. The temple is still being used to commemorate the event now that the unification was successful. Every August, native Hawaiians still gather here to celebrate the nation’s founding. Although the Big Island of Hawaii is known for Volcanoes National Park, and you ca n’t leave the island without visiting this park, there are several smaller National Parks on the Big Island that are also worthwhile to visit to learn about the Hawaiian Islands ‘ history.