Mexico Sends National Guard To Tulum Beaches To Support With Immigration Stay Tourists Safe

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Millions of Americans travel to Mexico’s picture-perfect shorelines every yr. Last updated 56 minutes ago
And Tulum is currently attracting record-breaking guests.
However, this flower, you will see more visitors in their clothing on Tulum’s beaches than tourists.
Mexico has installed the National Guard on Tulum’s shores to protect travellers, which is why.
Here’s what you need to know:
National Guard Deployed
To safeguard tourists visiting Tulum, the Mexican government has sent more than 200 soldiers, including those from the Army and National Guard, to the region.
This new task force wo n’t just be on the beach.
Additionally, they are tasked with protecting both urban and tourist areas of the city, making sure that Tulum’s protection is improved and that visitors feel safer while visiting the area.
This rollout is necessary because Tulum has seen a rise in crime in recent months.
The Stoplight Crime Report is a useful tool for determining crime rates in a given area, and it shows clearly that crime has increased in the area.
In November, Tulum had 3 red lamps on the Stoplight Crime range.
By December, this had increased to 6 red lighting, and it jumped up again to 7 red lamps in January.
But Is Tulum Safe?
Tulum remains a completely healthy vacation getaway.
More than 2 million people travel to Tulum each year, and the majority of those appointments are soft and quiet.
The key to staying healthy in Tulum is to apply the same safety advice you do when visiting any other active foreign capital.
Do n’t release all of your inhibitions just because you’re relaxing in the sunshine!
This includes no carrying too little money with you at any given time, and avoid going out alone at night when possible.
Watch your drinks to prevent drink rising, and be competent to the risks posed by drugs, illegal liquor, and false pharmaceuticals.
Safety Risks In Tulum
Naturally, there are security challenges in Tulum, so be on the lookout if you’re visiting.
According to the Stoplight Crime Report the offences most commonly being reported in Tulum right now are home robberies, incidents from businesses, car incidents, and drug working.
The majority of these ( such as house thefts and car thefts ) are more likely to have an impact on local people than visitors.
One of the best ways to remain healthy in Tulum is to avoid the pharmaceutical industry, which is a problem because of Tulum’s drug dealing.
Do n’t buy or deal drugs during your time in Tulum.
We are also aware that Tulum is currently experiencing high crime rates during the peak period in many tourist places.
Therefore, it’s possible that Tulum’s murder rate is rising as a result of the winter and spring split.
The good news is that the Mexican government have effectively responded to this increase in crime.
Relaxing in Tulum will probably feel safer than ever with the presence of the National Guard and defense forces on the beach.
What Does The U. S. Government State About Traveling To Tulum?
The U.S. state advised its citizens to be extra cautious when drinking in famous spring break locations like Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, and Tulum, especially after the sun sets.
Temple is located in the state of Quintana Roo, which has a Level 2: Workout Increased Caution travel rating from the U.S. Department of State, which indicates that it is still regarded as a very secure place for Americans to go.
Although it may be troubling to see the Latino National Guard on the beach, this is merely a security precaution.
The Mexican government has also sent forces to Tulum for the first time.
23 000 troops were dispatched to Tulum in November to bolster security and safeguard travelers as the Maya Train place and new airports opened.
Tor BrierleyTor has written for over 20 years and has traveled to 25 nations ( and counting )! She is always open to new adventures, and she is particularly interested in home and European vacation.
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