One New Jersey area was included in Travel + Leisure’s list of top U.S. shores. But, never the Shore.

We were horrified to see the Jersey Shore somewhat excluded from Travel + Leisure’s most recent list of the world’s top shores. Although Asbury Park is great and all, it sounds like a sandwich from somewhere but Philadelphia when you say it represents the entire Jersey Shore. It just does n’t cut it. ) Where’s the passion for Wildwood, Sea Isle, Ocean City, and the quaint charm of Cape May? Their image of the East Coast must have reportedly been lost in an enormous beach case. Sure, our sand may not be the prettiest, and our lakes not the finest like the others listed, but the Jersey Shore offers everything a picturesque flyer ca n’t capture. How could Go + Recreational overlook Wildwood, which has an iconic boardwalk, three piers of pleasure rides, and neon that may render Vegas seem dark? And then there’s Ocean City — hello, it’s called” America’s Greatest Family Resort” for a purpose. We ca n’t forget Sea Isle City, where the vibes are as chill as the sea breeze. And this talk about our very own Jason Kelce, Philadelphia’s center of gravity on and off the area. When he’s not blocking for the Eagles, he’s known to sling drinks and beauty at Sea Isle’s restaurants. If Kelce’s endorsement and impromptu bartending are n’t enough to boost the Shore’s credentials, what is? And Cape May, oh, dear Cape May, with its Victorian charm that makes the beach a unique time-traveling knowledge, is complemented by some of the best bird-watching on the East Coast. The Jersey Shore and Philadelphia have a deep-love relationship that is as sweet as boardwalk chocolate and as strong as the sea. For many Philadelphians, the Shore is n’t just a summer destination, it’s a tradition, woven into the very fabric of their lives. Missing out on Sea Isle’s charm and classic Piers in Wildwood almost feels like excluding Rocky from a list of Philly legends. What’s missing on Travel + Leisure’s list is the true Jersey Shore practice: the seafront games, the salt candy, the tram cars, and the generations of families who pile into their cars for the ceremonial summer pilgrimage. It’s more than just sun and dust, it’s about shore tags, repellent- smelling air, outdoor showers, and the inevitable shallow ride home. Therefore, they should make sure they do n’t just dip their toes in the water at Asbury Park and call it a day before Travel + Leisure sends out their beach scouts because the real Jersey Shore is a mosaic of experiences. And hey, if they need a guide, only beg Jason Kelce— he’ll be happy to put a sip and set the record straight.