Workers Accumulate in Tunisia, but random movement to Italy Dramatically decreases.

In Tunisia, thousands of would-be immigrants to Europe are stuck there as a result of the Italian- Tunisian agreement to reduce migration amid rising anti-immigrant rhetoric and violence. As a result of the deal, about 15, 000 workers are estimated to get stuck in Tunisia, according to the UN’s movement business. Tunisia has become the key transit point for refugees from northern and sub-Saharan Africa attempting to enter Europe over the past few years. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has made an agreement to reduce abnormal migration, which was agreed upon in April. As part of the agreement, Italy committed in April to providing 105 million euros ($ 113 million ) in financial aid and credit lines to Tunisia. According to Mario Savina, a researcher from the Sapienza University of Rome and an OSMED Istituto S. Pio V. researcher, 60 % fewer unusual migrants arrived in Italy in the first five months of the year 2024 than it did during the same time period in 2023. He claimed that more workers are now coming from Libya than Tunisia. It is still too early to say whether Italy’s strategy to reduce abnormal migration is successful, according to Riccardo Fabiani, job director for North Africa at the International Crisis Group. According to Fabiani,” This could be a momentary relief, or migration flows was just proceed to another country.” He noted that several factors, including transport, border management, and climate, affect rates of movement. The standard agreement that was extended to Tunisia, according to Fabiani, is what sets Rome’s new strategy apart from that of the majority of other European nations. According to Fabiani, Tunisian President Kais Saied “is a clearly racist leader, thus strengthening the assistance on migration means empowering a different kind of political power than what European governments have traditionally dealt with.” He warned of the possible effects of the agreement on safety and human rights violations. Saied is motivated to seek relationship with other countries because of the ongoing economic and social problems in Tunisia, Savina said. Saied rejected a$ 1.9 billion loan agreement from the International Monetary Fund in 2023, arguing that the reforms mandated by the agreement amounted to “foreign diktats.” Tunisia is significantly rely on help from the European Union, as well as from companion nations like Italy and Algeria. The majority of the undocumented workers who travel to Tunisia are unable to travel to Europe or lack the means to go back to their home countries. Some have settled in makeshift refugee tents near Sfax, a port town located about 170 kilometers east of Tunis, Tunisia’s investment capital. Some workers try to remain in Tunisia and wait for a chance to travel to Europe, according to Fabiani, but they frequently are detained or deported to neighboring nations. The conditions are often extremely difficult &# 13,
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Top Stories &# 13,” The conditions are often extremely difficult”, he continued. ” These refugees undergo crime, and they are at times deported to desert places with no access to food, water, and shelter. They then must travel alone, without any assistance or means of transportation, to a local village or town.” It’s a vicious cycle,” he said, noting that violence against immigrants has been steadily rising, both from the police and from increasingly xenophobic civil groups. The leader supports this anti-immigrant battle because he rejects their existence while de facto acting as a security agent for Europe. Fabiani warned that the rise in crime may eventually spread across Tunisia and other social areas.